It’s official: people are in the mood to celebrate again! Not only can we feel it in the air, sales of Champagne legit went through the roof last year. France’s Champagne industry closed out 2022 with a new all-time high for revenue, following two difficult years when
harvests were strategically reduced and the future of the region was in doubt.
“Champagne, as the supreme wine of celebrations, has been the natural choice of the world’s consumers as they rejoiced at the end of lock-downs and rediscovered a taste for parties, going out and travelling,” said the President of the Union des Maisons de Champagne David Chatillon.
Here at Calexico HQ, Champagne will always be in fashion – simply because, in life, there’s always something to celebrate. A good glass of champers is our founder Nicky Charman’s signature drink and there’s nothing better than hearing the cork pop from our boutique downstairs. It’s the sound of good times!
We thought we knew everything there is to know about champagne, but it turns out there’s always more to learn.
Here are 4 unexpected Champagne facts we just uncovered courtesy of The Champagne Company:
1. A flute trumps a coupe or saucer for peak bubbles
Apparently the long, narrow shape of a Champagne flute helps preserve the fizz and keep it from escaping.
2. You can tell a good Champagne by its bubble train!
Much like the ‘legs’ left behind on a red wine glass, a Champagne’s ‘collarette’ (the bubble train tracks that appear on the side of a glass) is an indication of the quality of the Champagne.
3. A stash of the world’s oldest Champagne bottles were discovered in a shipwreck in 2010
A team of divers exploring the wreckage of a ship in the Baltic Sea hit the jackpot when they came across 30 well-preserved bottles believed to have been produced by Clicquot in around 1782.
4. Champagne may actually help keep your memory sharp
A study from the University of Reading found that Champagne can help protect the brain from damage caused by Alzheimer's disease. Due to its polyphenol antioxidant content, other health benefits of Champagne include potentially reducing the risk of stroke and improving heart health.
As for which bubbles we like best, we’ve narrowed it down to five faves that enhance any celebration.
1. Lanson

2. Perrier-Jouet

3. Egly-Ouriet

4. Palmer & Co

5. Pol Roger

Feeling thirsty after all that Champagne chat? Next time you’re in the James Street area, pop into Calexico for a refreshing glass of the good stuff and a browse through our latest collections.